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Our Family

Superheros live here. Some of them are cows, some of them are farmers!

Welcome to our farm! I’m Sarah VanOrden Morrow. My husband Charlie and I are the farmers and owners at Crosswinds. We farm alongside our kids and our small but mighty team.

Today, our farm is an oasis of grass, using livestock to turn solar energy into amazing milk and meat. It began with a love for big brown cows, but it has evolved into so much more.

Both Charlie and I were blessed to grow up in farming families, learning from an early age to care for livestock, nurture seeds, and appreciate the seasonal rhythms of life.

We take pride in growing, harvesting, and preserving the food on our table.

We appreciate the knowledge passed down through generations, and continue to pass that knowledge and experience on to the next.

Twenty plus years ago, I struck out and started my own path as a commodity dairy farmer, but quickly grew disgusted with sending our milk on a truck to who knows where, at a price I had no control over, which rarely covered the costs to produce it.

Instead, my goal became a farm that can feed our community directly; a resilient and diverse farm that can adapt and withstand challenges, and be sustained by future generations. A farm that looks a lot more like the farms of our ancestors than we might have imagined!

It’s been a long, slow, sometimes painful journey, but we are here, doing it everyday!


Neither Charlie or I could do this without the other; I’m the brown cow lover to the core. He will tell you the only thing more stubborn than a brown cow, is a brown cow farmer, and he’s not wrong! I’m the milkmaid, the cheesemaker, the dreamer, the number cruncher, and everything in between. He’s the force of reality that brings things to life, and builds them well enough to outlast us. He’s the haymaker and the fixer of all things (so many things!) and literally keeps us operating everyday.

We consider ourselves lucky to have a great team of people working with us on the farm and in the creamery and store. We are also thankful to be appreciated by our amazing community of customers, who understand how vitally important it is to have farms that can feed people!

We hope to meet you at our Farm Store and Scoop Shop or a farmers market! Whether we meet in person, or you receive our products from afar, we extend a huge thank you for supporting our work and bringing our farm products home to your family.


Still curious? We invite you to learn more about daily life on our dairy farm in our Farm Blog.